Medical Associates of the Shoals, in cooperation with Express Care of the Shoals and AtLast Medical Weight Loss, has enjoyed thanking our local educators in Colbert County by delivering bags of classroom supplies. White cargo vans bearing the Doctors and
Teachers in Harmony logo made stops at all the schools to be sure that certified classroom instructors received a bag of items that teachers often pay for out of their own pockets. The bags contained dry-erase markers, pens, hand sanitizer, highlighters, disinfecting wipes, tissues, Post-it notes, colored paper, and more.
According to Josh Vacik, M.D., the Doctors and Teachers in Harmony Initiative is a fun way for the physicians and staff to express their gratitude to local teachers. “We love providing these bags of supplies. Too often, we hear about the amount of money teachers spend out of their own pockets for essential classroom supplies. Studies show that better education leads to better health, which leads to better quality of life. As part of this community, we are more than happy to help our teachers provide the tools for achieving success.”
We hope you enjoy the collage of photos below from our stops.
(See others on our Facebook page.)