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WELCOMING New Patients ...
Insurance Billing:
Our practice participates with most insurances companies. We will take the necessary steps to make sure that your insurance is appropriately filed. As the patient, it is your responsibility to familiarize yourself with your policy benefits so that out of pocket billings are not unexpected. Please understand that knowledge of your policy benefits is your responsibility.
It is very important for us to have the most current insurance information so that insurance denials can be minimized and you do not receive any unnecessary bills. It is also your responsibility to notify us of any changes in your mailing address and contact information.
Although we are happy to file your insurance, our services are rendered to the patient and not the insurance company. The insurance company is responsible to the patient or subscriber, and you (the patient) are financially responsible to the physician. Any unpaid balances by the insurance company will be billable to the patient/guarantor.
Wellness / Preventative Care (Annual Physical)
Many insurance companies have certain benefits for annual wellness / preventative care. It is very important to communicate to the receptionist at scheduling that you wish for this visit to be filed as “annual wellness / preventative.” This also needs to be communicated to your nurse and physician prior to your exam. It is your responsibility to know what testing (if any) is covered during this visit. Any testing done during this visit that is not covered by your insurance company’s wellness benefit will be billed to you.
Patient Balances
Patient balances are due at the time services are rendered or once insurance processing is complete. Balances are to be paid in full upon receipt of the first statement. We can accept credit cards over the phone as payment (use the extensions shown on this page), or you may pay from this website (see above payment link). Any account that is non-compliant financially may be transferred to a third party collection agency as well as possibly termination of care from the clinic.
Co-pays are due at time of service prior to your appointment. We accept cash, checks, credit cards, debit cards, and money orders. Noncompliance could result in your appointment being rescheduled.
Returned Checks
Returned checks are subject to an additional fee of $30.00. In cases where returned checks are not resolved with our office, they may be referred to the District Attorney for collection.
Billing Questions
For the most up-to-date information on our accepted private health insurance plans, or if you have any billing questions, please
contact our office directly at (256) 383-4447
plus the appropriate extension.
Extensions are associated by the first letter in your last name:
( A - G ) Ext. 112
( H - O ) Ext. 162
( P - Z ) Ext. 113

We accept VISA and MasterCard